Stop Missing Out On Your Family Memories

Stop Missing Out On Your Family Memories

Be in the photographs.

Think about the message your passing down to your own children that are looking up to you. If you constantly complain about your looks or not wanting to be in family photographs, what do you think that says to your children, especially your daughters. It’s going to make them question how they see themselves. It will put these ideas in their heads that women shouldn’t age. That women should feel guilt or shame in living their lives naturally and beautifully. If you’re at the place where you don’t want to be in photographs because you feel you have a few pounds to lose, you don’t like your haircut, you think you look to old, or whatever the case, I encourage you to put that all aside and get in those photos. You’ll be so glad that you did.

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Boudoir Sessions Serve a Greater Purpose

Boudoir Sessions Serve a Greater Purpose

I still get people who don’t understand boudoir. They think it’s purely sexual, vain, or pointless. I can keep putting up blog posts that explain why they are so much more than that. I can try to explain it in my own words (which I’ve done several times). But, what I think speaks the loudest are words from other women who have been photographed by me.

This one hits way too close to home for me. M (we’ll call her) isn’t sharing the photographs with the public because of her job. I reached out to her and asked if she would be willing to share her story, though. I told her that her words might really need to be read by someone who is in the depths of hell. I wish that more women had talked about their struggles when I was in my marriage. There were so many times I felt shameful and alone. E is allowing me to share one photo and her words.

I want to point out that not every woman that I photograph is “broken” or going through hard times. I photograph women who are engaged, married, divorced, have kids, can’t have kids, don’t want kids, have done boudoir sessions before, have never done boudoir sessions before, and so on. But, this is E’s story and it’s a pretty damn powerful one.

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In-Home Family Session

In-Home Family Session

I can not emphasize enough how important it is to work with a photographer who will get you family heirlooms for your home. What I mean by this is someone who will take the time to sit with you, go over the photographs with you, look at your home, decide if an album is better, decide if a framed gallery wall is better, decide if you’re someone who really is better suited for digital files, etc. I am 100% of the mind that photographs should get off of your computer and onto your walls. I also work with my clients to make sure that’s what’s going to be the best fit for them.

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Styled Boudoir Session with Moonstruck Florals

Styled Boudoir Session with Moonstruck Florals

When Caroline, of Moonstruck Florals, reached out to me about doing a styled boudoir session in her studio, it was a definite “YES” from me. I wanted Caroline to have full control of the aesthetic of this shoot. This was my first boudoir styled shoot and I wanted to capture what someone else created. It’s so incredible to work with other creatives and not interrupt their process. My voice was going to be in the photography aspect, I wanted Caroline’s voice to really shine in the rest of the shoot.

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San Francisco Boudoir Session

San Francisco Boudoir Session

*nudity warning

I was just talking to another photographer about why we prefer, and pretty much insist, on photographing in our client’s homes. We were discussing how it forces you out of your comfort zone. You have no idea how light will fall and at what time. You don’t know which space will be your favorite or create a reaction in your veins. Having a studio space has it’s own pros, but it can start to become repetitive. The last thing I want is for the work that I’m creating for these women to become second nature.

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