boudoir storyteller

The Process of Working Together

The Process of Working Together

I will guide you through the entire process and will anticipate your needs before you might even realize them. It’s my pleasure to create custom art for my clients, based on their individuality.

What I love most about these sessions is the experience. We will create gorgeous photographs and you will have one of the most enjoyable experiences of your life.

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It's Not What You Really Want

It's Not What You Really Want

Could I answer one email, show up and photograph you beautifully, and hand you digitals? Yes. So why do I have an entire process that takes weeks leading up to our session together? Why does it feel like I’m complicating something that could be so quick and easy?

Because quick and easy isn’t what you really want.

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Searching for Yourself Doesn't Always Mean That You're Lost

Searching for Yourself Doesn't Always Mean That You're Lost

I photograph women at so many different phases of their lives.

I talk a lot about women coming to me who have gone through huge life events and they want to document themselves in an intimate way. I also have women who want to be photographed because they want an experience all their own, as a form of self-love.

What I’ve noticed is that every single person that’s come to me has been searching for something.

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Do It Because There Is Only One You and Your Legacy Matters

Do It Because There Is Only One You and Your Legacy Matters

Imagine putting yourself first for once.

What would that feel like?

What could you create? What would that allow you to say “yes” to? What would that allow you to say “no” to?

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When You Have To Leave Your Safe Haven to Find Yourself

When You Have To Leave Your Safe Haven to Find Yourself

I was in a group discussion the other day and myself and another woman were talking about leaving our homes. Homes that we put blood, sweat, and tears into (literally). We both had different stories, but stood on such similar ground.

Though she had to leave her home of 20 years for reasons different than mine, we cried together. We felt each other’s stories in our bones.

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