where should a family session take place

Forget The Clutter

Forget The Clutter

“Forget the clutter” can mean so many different things. This could mean in your home, in your head, and in your general life. It’s such a common thing for photographers to hear, “I would kill to do a session with you, but my home isn’t where I want it.” or “I would love to do a lifestyle newborn session, but the nursery isn’t finished and the house is a wreck since I’ve been taking care of a newborn.” There are also plenty of times where something is pulling these people to book with me, but something else stops them from doing it. I’m here to say DON’T HESITATE. Life is so incredibly short and you’re going to be so glad that you paused to encapsulate your most precious memories. Your kids are only young once. Tomorrow is never promised.

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