Preserving a Fisher Island Family's Legacy Through Photographs

Life is ever-changing.

Some of us decide to get married. Some choose to have children. Some spend years together and then go their separate ways. All of these are parts of our story, our legacy.

After we are gone there are only stories of once was, told by those closest to us.

But, what are we leaving behind for those storytellers? What if it’s a part of their story, too?

I love this, “When a person dies, the mark the individual left on the world represents that individual's legacy. While a person's legacy can involve money, the concept of legacy is much larger than the value of an individual's estate. It is about the richness of the individual's life, including what that person accomplished and the impact he or she had on people and places. Ultimately, the story of a person's life reflects the individual's legacy.” Love to Know

What do you want the world to remember about you? What do you want your children to remember about you as a parent? How do you want your spouse to feel thirty years from now? How will you preserve those memories that you cherish and spent years making?

This is why I work very closely with my custom printer, framer, and album artisan. Preserving my client’s legacy by print is as equally important as photographing them.

Don’t let your legacy die on a hard drive.

The client featured below had moved down to Fisher Island within the last few years. She was going through some major life changes and hadn’t had photographs taken of her and her children in years. When she reached out to me we spent time talking about what was most important to her and why it was so important that she preserve these memories. I took photographs of her walls, measured, designed custom wall galleries, and then presented her custom art proposal. It was beautiful to see her come to life as I went through each room and the wall art I had designed for her. We tweaked a few things until it was perfect for her. She ended up loving so many of the photographs that we added additional wall art for her guest bathroom.

When we were going through her photographs during her ordering session, she was struggling with investing in wall art of just herself. I had designed a few custom pieces for her closet and primary bathroom. She thought it felt “selfish” to hang a photograph without her children in it. I told her that I wish my mother had put photographs of herself up in our home. I can’t imagine what it would have done for my sense of self-worth to see my mom investing in herself and feeling proud and confident of who she was. Too many women hide, or feel shame, and that’s passed on to their daughters. Display those gorgeous photographs of yourself. Display them proudly.

You’ll see below that we installed one of my favorite photographs (hers, too) in her closet.

She ended up texting me after my installer and I left, exclaiming how much she loved it and that she was already moving furniture around in her closet to play with different aesthetics, with the photograph being the focal point.

I’m so glad that she listened and trusted me. I’m overjoyed that her two children will walk into that space and know that their mother’s legacy was worth preserving.