Are you brave enough to have a process that turns your photography into true art for your clients?


This is going to be scary as hell. The transition from volume to value is not an easy path, but it’s crucial to avoid the burnout or soul sucking jobs. Have you been wondering how to bridge the gap that stands between fine art and client facing work?

what would happen if you faced your fear and found your true artist again?


We can work together in three ways, but the first step will be to fill out the inquiry form (below) to make sure we’re a good fit and you’re truly ready to change your business.

Quick Consultation 675/hr

If you just want to answer a quick question or two or want me to go a little more in-depth with something that’s been on your mind. A single one-hour session on zoom, recorded for your reference.

Mentoring 550/hr

We will dig in deep into the process you already have and how to expand on that so that you can focus on nurturing ideal inquiries and clients. Minimum of four sessions on zoom, recorded for your reference.


We will have four, hour long mentoring sessions together. Two will be before our experience together and two will be after, on zoom and recorded for your reference.

Two hour portfolio building session with a model (models if family session).

Mini headshot experience with Shannon that will include three high-res digitals with the option to invest in more.

*Travel and accommodations not included

*Custom quote if I come to you