women empowerment

Investing In Yourself is Not Selfish

Investing In Yourself is Not Selfish

This week I decided I would take some self-portraits. This might seem silly, vein, or small to some. But, to me, someone who preaches the importance of documenting monumental stages in one’s life, it felt important.

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I'm Writing This Because I Have To

I'm Writing This Because I Have To

I’m writing this because I have to.

I’m writing this because yesterday I spent 30 minutes in my car, in the grocery store parking lot, crying and unable to move from my seat.

I’m writing this because the last two weeks consisted of me struggling to get out of bed and some days, I didn’t.

I’m writing this because the past 5 weekends were spent photographing people’s joyous occasions and I didn’t feel any of it.

I’m writing this because I spend most of my days alone, beating myself up because I’m the only one to blame if my business fails.

I’m writing this because I know that I really have no reason to be so sad, but I do.

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Stop Missing Out On Your Family Memories

Stop Missing Out On Your Family Memories

Be in the photographs.

Think about the message your passing down to your own children that are looking up to you. If you constantly complain about your looks or not wanting to be in family photographs, what do you think that says to your children, especially your daughters. It’s going to make them question how they see themselves. It will put these ideas in their heads that women shouldn’t age. That women should feel guilt or shame in living their lives naturally and beautifully. If you’re at the place where you don’t want to be in photographs because you feel you have a few pounds to lose, you don’t like your haircut, you think you look to old, or whatever the case, I encourage you to put that all aside and get in those photos. You’ll be so glad that you did.

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The Story That Led Me to Boudoir

The Story That Led Me to Boudoir

I’ve been wanting to tell my story for a while, but it has been difficult to find the words that are my own without telling someone’s else’s story. Why boudoir has become such an important part of my life. Keep in mind, this is my story and in no way tells the other side.

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